Musical Moments: Halo 4
I will go ahead and say it: I like Halo 4‘s music. A lot. Back when the game was released, quite a number of reviewers and fans criticized the soundtrack…
Taking a look at the art in games and the creative minds that bring them to life.
I will go ahead and say it: I like Halo 4‘s music. A lot. Back when the game was released, quite a number of reviewers and fans criticized the soundtrack…
Suda 51 is a mad genius. He takes pieces and bits from his loves and inspirations, mashes them up, and unleashes them on the gaming world. While there may be familiar…
BRUTAL LEGEND!! Sorry about that, but when I talk about Brutal Legend, the most metal game ever, I get a little excited. This game is terrific! Before we go any…
Bioshock Infinite was one of the most interesting and thought-provoking games of recent years. With themes of racism, jingoism, and class disparity, among others, the game raised many hard questions for players…
With the release of The Walking Dead: Season Two, Telltale Games allows gamers to dive into their favorite narrative driven zombie apocalypse once again. While it may be hard to top Season One in…
The Zelda series will probably make more than one appearance in this series, but I felt it only appropriate to start with my favorite and the most memorable game in…
Dark Souls was one of the best RPGs of the last console generation. I have already written about how fantastic and unique Dark Souls is; today we will focus on the music of Dark…
Oh Metroid! My word do I love Metroid! The Metroid series is actually in a close race with The Legend of Zelda series for my all-time favorite game series. Each…
Shadow of the Colossus is one of the most memorable games of all time. How many other titles task you with slaying gigantic rock colossi in a gorgeous world with a minimalist…
To The Moon is an indie narrative game from Freebird Games. The narrative follows two doctors who seek to help a dying man named Johnny achieve his lifelong dream, to…