Disney Movie Facts That Sound Fake But Are Actually Real
Disney was founded almost a century ago, and in the years ‘tween now and then, numerous Disney tales have become part of the international canon of childhood stories. Disney animation…
Taking a look at the art in games and the creative minds that bring them to life.
Disney was founded almost a century ago, and in the years ‘tween now and then, numerous Disney tales have become part of the international canon of childhood stories. Disney animation…
Rainbow Six Siege’s Creative Director, Xavier Marquis, and Game Director, Leroy Athanassoff, reveal the design secrets behind seven of Siege’s attackers. Subscribe to IGN for more! http://www.youtube.com/user/IGNentertainment?sub_confirmation=1 ———————————- Follow IGN…
Would you believe me if I told you Superman 64 was bad… on purpose? See more http://www.dorkly.com Geek out with us… FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/dorkly TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/dorkly TUMBLR http://dorkly.tumblr.com/
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Have you ever had an experience with a film that differs from the majority? Here’s my personal Top 10 films that I don’t love as much as everyone else. Twitter…
Animation director Ben Dai walks us through Mei’s Animated Short, pointing out lots of little details you might have missed. Overwatch Animated Short: ‘Rise and Shine’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZG2PHvuz9c Overwatch: Official Junkertown…
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1. Navdy http://amzn.to/2rZIv6B 2. Kano http://amzn.to/2sR1iRG 3. Kuna http://amzn.to/2sQYuEd 4. Ehang http://amzn.to/2sbL2gg 5. Atlas Wearables http://amzn.to/2rk0vGE See More: http://www.prophethacker.com/2016/12/7-cool-inventions-can-buy-now-amazon.html Enjoy this video? Please take a brief moment and hit that…