Torpedo Transformation Glitch! (Sea of Thieves)
Here’s a little highlight that shows you how to do the (currently unpatched) glitch that turns your character into an odd looking torpedo-like smushed version of itself. Enjoy! ;D Other…
Taking a look at the art in games and the creative minds that bring them to life.
Here’s a little highlight that shows you how to do the (currently unpatched) glitch that turns your character into an odd looking torpedo-like smushed version of itself. Enjoy! ;D Other…
Watch as myself and my shipmates of The Dirty Skull (our crew and ship name) fight against persistent galleons while trying to do a raid. Our supplies start run low…BUT…
Watch as myself and my shipmates of The Dirty Skull (our crew and ship name) fight against persistent galleons while trying to do a raid. Our supplies start run low…BUT…
I jumped into some Viscera Cleanup Detail (a game about space janitors cleaning up the mess of all the crazy fights/alien battles that happen in every other game) with some…