Artistry in Games Top-50-Shitty-Shark-Movies Top 50 Shitty Shark Movies News  Top Shark Movies Top Funny Shark Movies Top 50 Shark Movies Top 10 Shark Movies top Terrible Shark Movies so bad it's good Sharks Week Sharks sharknado Shark Week 2017 Shark Week Shark Movies Shark Films shark attacks shark attack shark (animal) shark open water Nintendo list jaws 2 jaws James Rolfe Funny Shark Movies funny Discovery Channel deep blue sea Cinemassacre Shark cinemassacre Bad Shark Movies Awful Shark Movies avgn 50

This video was originally made in 2013, as a Top 40 list. It was exclusively on Now I’ve updated the list to 50, and releasing on YouTube.

By DiamondDRE

Editor-in-Chief, creative director, illustrator, artist and gamer.

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