Rockstar Games recently released their new “Vespucci Job” adversary job alongside the “Weeny Issi Classic” Let’s take it for a spin in free roamFollow Me On Twitter & Instagram! “PuttherTV”…
Watch as myself and my shipmates of The Dirty Skull (our crew and ship name) fight against persistent galleons while trying to do a raid. Our supplies start run low…BUT…
Decided to attempt another GTA Parkour.. let’s see if I can finish this one. Follow Me On Twitter & Instagram! “PuttherTV” Tweets by PuttherTV My Merchandise: You can…
Swing. Miss. Rage. Repeat. Such is the cycle of golf! But I LOVE it! Enjoy! ;D This is part 59, watch part 58 here – CHANNELS: Steven –…
Swing. Miss. Rage. Repeat. Such is the cycle of golf! But I LOVE it! Enjoy! ;D This is part 58, watch part 57 here – CHANNELS: Amanda –…
Decided to try out the Caracara 6×6 truck in freemode.. let’s see how this turns out! Follow Me On Twitter & Instagram! “PuttherTV” Tweets by PuttherTV My Merchandise:…