No Man’s Sky Creator Reveals Multiplayer Details on Xbox One
Hello Games’ Sean Murray reveals No Man’s Sky NEXT release date while providing details on the brand new multiplayer options. We Met Another Player In No Man’s Sky No Man’s…
Taking a look at the art in games and the creative minds that bring them to life.
Hello Games’ Sean Murray reveals No Man’s Sky NEXT release date while providing details on the brand new multiplayer options. We Met Another Player In No Man’s Sky No Man’s…
Rick and Morty are My Little Ponies, The Walking Dead is losing viewers, and Mass Effect creator BioWare has to publicly state storytelling is important. Here are your top 5…
Our Xbox crew discusses No Man’s Sky’s upcoming Xbox release and how it might be received. Plus: Shadow of War looks to rehabilitate its image, Red Faction returns, more original…
The Atlas Rising update finally allows you to meet with other players in No Man’s Sky, so we tracked down a friend to find out what happens. The answer is,…
We check out the opening moments of the newest No Man’s Sky update, Atlas Rises. Featuring an all new mission structure, improved graphics, downed freighters, and much more. No Man’s…
Hello Games details No Man’s Sky’s newest update, with PS4 Pro support, planetary vehicles, base sharing, permadeath and more. Watch more trailers here! ———————————- Follow GameTrailers for more! ————————————…