Level 4 Destroys A Wannabe Tryhard! (GTA 5 Online)
This fella was talking smack in gamechat so I told him to STFU. He then decided to make fun of me being only level 4 so I had to give…
Taking a look at the art in games and the creative minds that bring them to life.
This fella was talking smack in gamechat so I told him to STFU. He then decided to make fun of me being only level 4 so I had to give…
You can support me by donating, your messages pop up on screen! *Donations are never expected, but always appreciated* Donate: https://youtube.streamlabs.com/putther Donate: https://youtube.streamlabs.com/putther ______________________________________ If you support me, do me…
I’ll be attempting a 24 hour livestream. Wish me luck! You can support me by donating, your messages pop up on screen! Donate: https://youtube.streamlabs.com/putther Donate: https://youtube.streamlabs.com/putther ______________________________________ If you support…
Freemode fun! If you enjoyed the video, dropping a like and leaving a comment would be greatly appreciated! I read all my comments and thanks again for watching guys! __…
The Lamborghini Diablo aka Classic Infernus on GTA 5 Online! Only downside on the vehicle is it’s horrible handling.. If you enjoyed the video, dropping a like and leaving a…
Big thanks to Greezyy and his crew for taking the time to make a 100k tribute video for me! I really appreciate it, check his channel out below https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmTneG6F9GQPukR-CnCsdrQ If…
Bruh I don’t know why he got so mad but I was enjoying every minute of it. I had to mute my mic so he didn’t know I was laughing.…
Whose going to buy this car? Let me know in the comments below! If you support me, do me a favor and turn on ?Notifications? Follow my Twitter & Instagram…
Sorry I couldn’t show you the beginning, not all my clips saved but one fella basically came after me off radar and blew me up. Let me know what you…
Putther with the late GTA news! Comment below what you think about account transfers being a thing of the past now. If you support me, do me a favor and…