Artistry in Games Spider-Man-Far-From-Home-Spoilers-That-Have-Already-Leaked Spider-Man: Far From Home Spoilers That Have Already Leaked News

Everybody’s favorite friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is set to swing back into theaters come July 2019. And while audiences everywhere are all set for another Spidey-fest, Marvel Studios sure is taking its time doling out the details. For now, we’ll have to settle for these previously leaked tidbits and the ever reliable rumor mill. Here’s what we know, or think we know, so far.

In January 2019, we learned that Nick Fury won’t be the only S.H.I.E.L.D. veteran returning to the MCU in Spider-Man: Far from Home.

The first Far from Home teaser trailer contained a brief shot that showed a pair of characters who seemed to be former S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Maria Hill and Nick Fury being attacked by an Elemental, but fans were not entirely sure… until actress Cobie Smulders set the record straight. She posted a screenshot of herself and Samuel L. Jackson on Instagram, writing in the photo’s caption:

Obviously, Smulders was joking about anyone confusing her with what appears to be a massive sand creature, though ironically the last time we saw Smulders as Maria Hill was in Avengers: Infinity War’s post-credits scene when Hill and her old boss Fury were both “dusted” by Thanos’ decimation. So… maybe she wasn’t joking.

Throughout 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming, every attempt by Peter Parker to contact Tony Stark or the Avengers was filtered through Stark’s pal Happy Hogan, portrayed by MCU veteran Jon Favreau. We missed out on seeing Happy in Avengers: Infinity War, so there was some question as to whether or not the guy whose favorite pastime was ignoring Peter Parker would be around for Far from Home.

We got our first inkling that Happy was returning in September 2018, when a Reddit user posted a video that appeared to show Favreau on the set of Far from Home. The return of Happy was finally confirmed in January 2019 with the release of the first Spider-Man: Far from Home teaser trailer, which featured, among other things, Happy getting flirty with Aunt May. Keep watching the video to see all the Far From Home rumors and spoilers we’ve already heard!

#Spider-Man #Spiderman #FarFromHome

Maria Hill returns | 0:23
Many Happy returns | 1:27
Pepper’s on her way out | 2:37
Can we get a Gwen? | 3:43
Might we meet Miles? | 4:40
Crazy Rich Mystery | 5:54

By DiamondDRE

Editor-in-Chief, creative director, illustrator, artist and gamer.

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