Artistry in Games Every-Time-Iron-Man-Died-In-The-Comics Every Time Iron Man Died In The Comics News

The sad fact of life is that even superheroes die. Of course, unlike the rest of us, they always come back to life. But while a lot of superheroes have pretty straightforward deaths, Tony Stark’s trips to the hereafter are downright weird.

1987’s “Armor Wars” told the story of Tony Stark finding out that villains were using his designs to power their own armored costumes and then doing everything he could to take that technology back. It also featured the first time that Iron Man “died.” Sort of. The thing is, the armored Avenger didn’t go down swinging while battling to save the world, he mainly died because it was the best PR move.

While it might seem like a good idea to take his inventions back from the bad guys, Tony’s quest also meant taking on S.H.I.E.L.D. and beating up Stingray, a third-string Avenger. Even worse, Tony then took a trip to Russia, where he caused an international incident and accidentally killed an old rival, the Titanium Man.

With a growing list of international crimes stacking up, Tony realized that there was only one thing left to do in order to keep both his personal reputation and his company’s from being completely destroyed. He made a full confession and explained he was doing it for the greater good.

Nah, just kidding! Instead he created a false identity named “Randall Pierce,” claimed that Pierce been the one wearing the armor all this time, then faked Randall’s death. The next month, there was a brand new Iron Man in brand new armor who just happened to sound like, act like, and know all the same things as the dearly departed Mr. Pierce.

Watch the video to learn about every time Iron Man died in the comics!

#IronMan #Marvel #MarvelComics

A major PR stunt | 0:12
The cold shoulder | 1:27
The Crossing | 2:07
Teen Tony gets on-slaughtered | 2:53
Safe cracked | 4:19

By DiamondDRE

Editor-in-Chief, creative director, illustrator, artist and gamer.

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