Artistry in Games Endgame-Clues-We-Now-Realize-Were-Hiding-In-These-MCU-Movies Endgame Clues We Now Realize Were Hiding In These MCU Movies News

As we learn more about Avengers: Endgame, Marvel’s skillful foreshadowing becomes clearer. The MCU has been preparing us for this grand climax for years already — we just didn’t know it. From early title drops to ominous plot clues, we’re cataloging the ways the MCU has been building to its Endgame.

The phrase “endgame” has appeared in the MCU long before Avengers: Endgame. The first time was in a line spoken by Tony Stark during Avengers: Age of Ultron back in 2015. The line comes up when several of the Avengers criticize Stark for creating Ultron. Thor is so enraged by Tony’s actions that he even picks him up by the throat before Captain America talks him down. In response, Tony launches into a tirade about how unprepared they are for a real threat from an alien enemy:

“We’re the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the livelong day, but… that, up there? That’s the endgame.”

As it turns out, Stark is more right than anyone in that moment realizes. When Stark uses the phrase “endgame” while gesturing towards space, he’s foreshadowing the showdown with Thanos.

The more recent reference to “Endgame” came during Avengers: Infinity War, when Doctor Strange uses the Time Stone to view possible outcomes of their battle with Thanos. Despite seeing millions of different potential futures, Strange is only able to find one where the Avengers win. Once the Sorcerer Supreme knows the path to the one future scenario in which Thanos is defeated, his every move is a calculated decision to bring about that future.

This means that when Strange willingly exchanges the Time Stone to Thanos for Stark’s life in Avengers: Infinity War, he has a reason for giving it up. When a devastated Tony asks why he gave in to Thanos, Strange has a simple answer:

“We’re in the endgame now.”

In other words, Avengers: Endgame has been a long time coming.

Watch the video to see all of the Endgame clues we now realize were hiding in these MCU movies!

#Avengers #AvengersEndgame #Endgame

Endgame has been prophesied | 0:16
Tony needed closure | 1:37
Cap lifting Mjolnir | 2:27
Cap and Tony’s argument | 2:53
Tony knew about Morgan | 3:43
Tony needs his rest | 4:25

By DiamondDRE

Editor-in-Chief, creative director, illustrator, artist and gamer.

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